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Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Questionnaire Draft

From my questionnaire I hope to find out what aspects of a horror are popular and which would be most effective when producing my horror scene.


What gender are you?
Male [  ]                   Female [  ]

How old are you?


How often do you watch Horrors?
Very often [  ]     Sometimes [  ]          Rarely [  ]         Never [  ]

Why do you watch them this often?




What is your favourite sub-genre of horror?
Zombie [  ]       Supernatural [  ]       B-Movie [  ]     Apocalyptic [  ]
Vampire [  ]     Slasher [  ]       Teen [  ]     Monsters/ Aliens [  ]

What types of Devices do you own?
Mobile Phone [  ]    iPod [  ]   Mp3 Player [  ]    iPhone [  ]
Blackberry [  ]   Laptop [  ]  Home PC [  ]

Which websites do you use on a regular basis?
Facebook [  ]    MySpace  [  ]   IMDB [  ]    YouTube [  ]
eBay [  ]    Hotmail [  ]    Yahoo [  ]    iTunes [  ]

If you saw these devices/ websites used throughout a horror movie
would you be more scared?
Yes [  ]    No [  ]





How do you watch movies?
Online [  ]     LoveFilm [  ]   Cinema [  ]    TV [  ]    Illegal Download [  ]
Borrowed [  ]     Bought [  ]

When do you mostly watch horrors?
On your own [  ]    With Friends [  ]     Both [  ]     Depends [  ]

Where do you hear about new movies?
TV [  ]            Word of Mouth [  ]     Internet [  ]     Radio [  ]
Posters [  ]     Billboard [   ]

If you saw a character at the start of a horror film, what would you expect to happen
to them?
Last 'til the end [  ]     Die at the start [  ]        Be the Hero [  ]      Be the Villain [  ]





Which of the following do you expect to see in a horror? (Pick 1 or more)
Blood [  ]    Weapons [  ]    Disguises/ Masked Villains [  ]    Teenagers [  ]
Gore [  ]    Ghosts [  ]   The 'Final' Girl [  ]     Monsters [  ]    Drugs [  ]
Sex [  ]    Alcohol [  ]     Romance [  ]

1 comment:

  1. A good questionnaire Jonjo. Have you analysed the responses yet?
