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Friday, 18 February 2011

Propp's Theory

Propps theory explained:
Vladimir Propp was a Russian critic who developed Propps theory which explained that every story has to have the same character types to give it structure this was a belief of Propp that characters provide the structure for text.
These are the characters that Propps theory comments on:
The Hero – This is the character which is set on a quest to gain something
The Villain – An obstacle in the heroes way someone who deliberately blocks the heroes                     path
The Donor – An object that will help the hero is provided by the donor
The Dispatcher – A messenger this is the character who sends the hero on their mission
The False Hero – False claims are made by this character
The Helper – Helps the hero
The Princess – A reward for the hero
The Father – will reward the hero for their effort
This research was inspired by:

Propps theory is effective however it has flaws and is not a theory that can be relevant to every film, the theory was introduced fairytales were known by all as modern media did not exist because of this Propps theory fits almost every older folk tale but modern films drift slightly out of the norm. An example of a film which has the majority of the characters which Propps theory explores is Scream (DIR.Wes Craven).

The hero in scream if Sidney

The villain- There are two villains in scream Stu and Billy

The donor- Gail weathers gives Sidney the drive to combat her killers and defend her mother’s name.


The dispatcher- In scream the dispatcher is Sidney’s mother her death sends Sidney on a mission to uncover the real killer and to stop her torment.

The false hero- Billy is the false hero but also Cotton Weary as he is in jail for a murder he didn’t commit.

The helper- Randy is the helper he provides Sidney with guidance through describing the conventions of horror films.

Her father- Sidney’s dad

The princess- This is the a thought rather than a person e.g. justice or truth

Using the theory can help towards structuring my production in which, it will help
develop my characters and decide the roles they will play in the plot.


Font design for our horror opening
After we settled upon the title of ‘the deluge’ for our horror film, we decided we needed a suitable font to represent the tone our opening was trying to take. Due to the death of a character in a bath, water was a constant theme throughout the film, with many others dying from being drowned as well. We needed a font that would fit well with this constant theme. I decided to use the sites 1001fonts.com and dafont.com to find suitable fonts. After I've found some suitable designs I intend to alter them in Photoshop to tweak them to a design that would be perfect for our project.
Fonts from dafont.com
Font 1: children should not play with dead things
This font is particularly effective at fitting with the theme of our horror opening, as it appears to have some sort of liquid dripping from the words. The rounded edges and uneven shapes can be linked to water itself, making this font a good choice for our project

Font 2: plasma drip
plasma drip would make a good font type to use for our horror opening. Its bubbly edges represent flowing water very well and fits with the theme of our film. Much like the previous font ‘ children should not play with dead things’, this font also has water dripping off of the letters, further tying in with the theme of water.

Font 3: raptor kill
the font of raptor kill is both a good and bad font to use for our film opening. It successfully signifies water by having it drip from the letters. But on the other hand the letters aren’t defined and are quite hard to read. This is a problem due to the title ‘the deluge’ being odd, and it’s essential that people know what it is. This is one of the fonts I would consider choosing for the title of our horror opening.

Font 4:DuerTWOo
To achieve the desired effect on this font design I wrote out tHE DeLuGe, instead of ‘the deluge’. I did this because it gave a far better effect, and made the font look far more ominous and chilling. The fonts main style looks a lot like its in the style of watercolour brushstrokes, which fits in very well with the theme of our horror film.

Font 5: dink
While this font doesn’t really represent water in any way, It does signify insanity very well. It achieves this by having larges cracks throughout the E letters. This would be fitting for the general plot of the our film, but would be a bad representation of our opening, which has very little to do with insanity, only water

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Questionnaire Draft

From my questionnaire I hope to find out what aspects of a horror are popular and which would be most effective when producing my horror scene.


What gender are you?
Male [  ]                   Female [  ]

How old are you?


How often do you watch Horrors?
Very often [  ]     Sometimes [  ]          Rarely [  ]         Never [  ]

Why do you watch them this often?




What is your favourite sub-genre of horror?
Zombie [  ]       Supernatural [  ]       B-Movie [  ]     Apocalyptic [  ]
Vampire [  ]     Slasher [  ]       Teen [  ]     Monsters/ Aliens [  ]

What types of Devices do you own?
Mobile Phone [  ]    iPod [  ]   Mp3 Player [  ]    iPhone [  ]
Blackberry [  ]   Laptop [  ]  Home PC [  ]

Which websites do you use on a regular basis?
Facebook [  ]    MySpace  [  ]   IMDB [  ]    YouTube [  ]
eBay [  ]    Hotmail [  ]    Yahoo [  ]    iTunes [  ]

If you saw these devices/ websites used throughout a horror movie
would you be more scared?
Yes [  ]    No [  ]





How do you watch movies?
Online [  ]     LoveFilm [  ]   Cinema [  ]    TV [  ]    Illegal Download [  ]
Borrowed [  ]     Bought [  ]

When do you mostly watch horrors?
On your own [  ]    With Friends [  ]     Both [  ]     Depends [  ]

Where do you hear about new movies?
TV [  ]            Word of Mouth [  ]     Internet [  ]     Radio [  ]
Posters [  ]     Billboard [   ]

If you saw a character at the start of a horror film, what would you expect to happen
to them?
Last 'til the end [  ]     Die at the start [  ]        Be the Hero [  ]      Be the Villain [  ]





Which of the following do you expect to see in a horror? (Pick 1 or more)
Blood [  ]    Weapons [  ]    Disguises/ Masked Villains [  ]    Teenagers [  ]
Gore [  ]    Ghosts [  ]   The 'Final' Girl [  ]     Monsters [  ]    Drugs [  ]
Sex [  ]    Alcohol [  ]     Romance [  ]